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KT³ YMS Software

The KT³ YMS Software is a 3 Dimensional application which covers Infrastructure, Supply Chain Logistics, and The Global Internet. KT³ can be tailored to meet your needs and has been developed to be a global cutting edge Internet enabled yard management application. To learn more about KT³ Follow This Link.

Virtual Yard Management, Inc.
3901 Colorado Ave.
Sheffield Village, Oh 44054
Phone: 440-949-1910

© 2003 Virtual Yard Management, Inc.
All Rights Reserved

Virtual Yard Management, Inc. offers many different services to help make your supply chain more efficient and reliable than ever saving your corporation from wasting valuable man power hours and money. To learn more about the services we offer visit our Services Homepage.

About Us

The long-term knowledge and experience of the company founder, gained from more than 20 years of working within the management intensive U.S. Automotive industry, has been augmented by the addition of highly qualified executive and management personnel who have all been selected from within the supply chain logistics sector. Find out more about our business by Clicking Here.

Contact Us

You can contact Virtual Yard Management, Inc. Via phone, mail, or email. For contact information please visit the Contact Us Page.


Our company offers it's clients a large array of support options including on site, online, and telephone support. To find out more about our support options please visit our Support Page.

The Yard Management System is a client-server based system for monitoring a container's Life Cycle, the stages the container goes through while in the yard. The objective of Container Life Cycle management is to minimize the time required for a container to complete it's life cycle.

The cycle begins when the container arrives at a yard and ends when the container leaves a yard. While in the yard the location and/or status of a container may change one or more times. The container cannot begin a new life cycle until the previous life cycle is completed, (that is, its departure is recorded). Over time, the same container may arrive and depart from the yard many times. The Yard Management System identifies and tracks each container life cycle by carrier code, container number, and arrival date and time.

Parts of the System

The Yard Management System is made up of several modules: